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Research Intelligence

At the heart of our Search and Contract solutions is a unique research team and model, drawing on a wide range of technology and proprietary networks to locate and deliver the best talent. In addition to its key role in our service delivering, the Research Intelligence team customise and offer this differentiating platform to provide talent market insights for clients who wish to stay on top of critical talent needs.
Which of your key roles provides the greatest risk if you lose talent? What is the market for talent against your future hiring plans? Which of your competitor's talent would come and join your organisation? From Talent Pipelining for critical roles to Market Map Assessments and Competitor Talent Analysis, the Research Intelligence team build and provide reviews and live reports on current and future talent access to for client specific roles. The team provide risk analysis on key position and insights to support future hiring plans.
Our Research Intelligence team think differently about the data they mine and to formulate high value strategic talent insights. Their goal is to enable customers be better planned and closer to hiring points when urgent, critical or new team assembly, talent needs arise. We give hiring managers the confidence to know their resource needs can be met or where gap challenges need to be addressed.
We address research needs in Ireland, throughout Europe and in the US. The key to being ready to adapt or pivot for clients is having accurate, current detailed data to hand. The combination of our Research Intelligence platform and over 30 years in executive talent acquisition delivers this.

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