40 Consultants & Researchers in Ireland, 450 Consultants around the World.
We combine deep local market knowledge with national and international talent pools to deliver outstanding solutions.
For over 30 years we have pioneered talent acquisition solutions, working closely with clients and candidate talent. We achieve great outcomes in the shortest cycle times for permanent and contract, professional and leadership talent needs.
We work through three highly specialised practices and partner with IIC Partners, a top ten global executive search firm.
1. Life Sciences & Engineering Technologies
2. Supply Chain, Operations & Systems
3. Corporate & Professional Services
We partner with organisations of all sizes on their critical leadership and professional talent needs. In addition to their specialist practice, consultants work in industry sector teams, leveraging their functional knowledge and sectoral expertise to deliver precision shortlists for a client's essential requirement.
Find out more about our specialised practices by clicking on the relevant link below or contact our Head of Customer, Louise Haniver | louise.haniver@hrmrecruit.com, or our Chief Executive Paul O'Donnell | paul.odonnell@hrmrecruit.com
Life Sciences & Engineering Technologies
Where the innovators find innovative talent solutionsResearch, understanding and reach are the bedrocks of great science and technology searches. Knowing where current skills can be found along ...